Thursday, October 7, 2010

Topic B for 7th October 2010

Hi!! Guest what? This is actually my first official duty. Well more specifically after I created this blog. Hmm I found that my teammates’ posts are very lengthy so I want to diversify my post (not to say that I am good enough). My writing/post may not be as good as Mr. Story Teller or too technical as others’. This time I would like to post in a simplified point form format. Even though today’s post is relatively general topic but I prefer to keep my facts straight.hah..mind u that, if my post cause u perplexity or complexity and tend to drive u crazy..plz..plz..plz..

-Please refer to another source for further details-

Nuclear Power in the World Today
  • The first commercial nuclear power stations started operation in the 1950s.
  • There are now some 436 commercial nuclear power reactors operating in 30 countries, with 372,000 MWe of total capacity.
  • They provide about 15% of the world's electricity as continuous, reliable base-load power, and their efficiency is increasing.
  • 56 countries operate a total of about 250 research reactors and a further 220 nuclear reactors power ships and submarines.

The Economics of Nuclear Power
  • Nuclear power is cost competitive with other forms of electricity generation, except where there is direct access to low-cost fossil fuels.
  • Fuel costs for nuclear plants are a minor proportion of total generating costs, though capital costs are greater than those for coal-fired plants and much greater than those for gas-fired plants.
  • In assessing the economics of nuclear power, decommissioning and waste disposal costs are taken into account.

Radiation and Nuclear Energy
  • Natural sources account for most of the radiation we all receive each year. Up to a quarter of that received is due to human activity and originates mainly from medical procedures. 
  • The nuclear fuel cycle does not give rise to significant radiation exposure for members of the public.
  • Radiation protection standards assume that any dose of radiation, no matter how small, involves a possible risk to human health. This deliberately conservative assumption is increasingly being questioned.

World Energy Needs and Nuclear Power
  • The world will need greatly increased energy supply in the next 20 years, especially cleanly-generated electricity.
  • Electricity demand is increasing much more rapidly than overall energy use and is likely to almost double from 2004 to 2030.
  • Nuclear power provides about 15% of the world's electricity, almost 24% of electricity in OECD countries, and 34% in the EU. Its usage is increasing.
  • Nuclear power is the most environmentally benign way of producing electricity on a large scale. Without it most of the world would have to rely almost entirely on fossil fuels for continuous, reliable supply of electricity.
  • Renewable energy sources other than hydro have high generating costs but are helpful at the margin in providing clean power.


-Please refer to another source for further details-

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Control Rods-(Monday summary)

hye...hye...everyone.Today post is about Control Rods in, let's read together.=)

What is control rods (CR)?
Control rods is a rod made of chemical elements capable to absorbing many neutron without fissioning themselves.They are used in nuclear reactor to control the rate of fission of Uranium and Plutonium.

Why control rods is important?
Control rods like a 'heart' in nuclear reactor.Because too few fission events can slow down and automatically stop the chain reaction.Too much fission can overheat the core and lead to a meltdown.That's why control rods is much important here.

Materials of control rods 
  • Silver,Ag
  • Indium,In
  • Cadmium,Cd
  • Boron,B
  • Hafnium,Hf
How CR work?
Nuclear engineers and technicians precisely control the amount of fission taking place by inserting control rods (upper left) into the fuel assembly(red box). The rods are made of a substance that readily absorbs neutrons, like graphite or cadmium. When things get too hot, technicians lower a few control rods into the core. The rods sop up some of the ricocheting neutrons, and the fission process slows down. The reverse is also true: control rods are removed to rev up the fissioning.

When control rods are lifted from the fuel assembly, neutrons (from the natural decay of uranium) bounce around and bombard other uranium atoms, causing them to split. This process gives off more neutrons and causes more splitting. This is a chain reaction. The heat generated from all this fissioning is converted into steam, which turns a turbine, which turns a generator that produces electricity.

REMEMBER, If the reaction gets too hot, the control rods are re-inserted to absorb neutrons. With fewer neutrons around, there is less bombardment and fissioning. The core cools; energy output slows down. 

CR effectiveness
CR effectiveness is depends on the how many ratio of the flux at the location of the rod to the average flux in the reactor. Figure 1 show, when a reactor has one CR,the CR is must be place in center part of reactor core.The CR has a maximum effect when  if it is placed in the reactor where the flux is maximum. At point A,if additional rods are added to this simple reactor, the most effective location is where the flux is maximum.

Figure 1:Effect of control rod on radial flux distribution

The exact value of reactivity that each control rods depends upon the reactor design. The reactivity caused by control motion  is referred to as control rod worth.

Type of CR
  • Integral CR worth ( 'S' shape)
Figure below show the result of a value of rate of change of control worth as a function of control rod position.

Figure 2: Integral CR Worth
Function of integral CR worth curve is to define the ρ change due CR movement between two position. The integral CR worth is the total reactivity worth of the rod at the particular degree of withdrawal and is usually defined to be the greatest when the rod is fully withdrawn.

  • Differential CR Worth (Bell shape) 
For figure tell us it has very low values at top and bottom of the core and a maximum at the center of the core. The curve has bell shape because of CR worth related to n flux and n flux max.Also,n flux max is highest in center of the core.

Figure 3: Differential CR Worth

At the bottom of the core, where there are few neutrons, rod movement has little effects,so change in rod worth is very little.The effect become greater, when the rod approach the center on the core. Basically, from center to the top inverse of the rod per inch will applied here.

Example of Control Rods 
Figure 4: PWR fuel with control rod CLUSTER

              figure 4: BWR fuel with CROSS ROAD design

Basic knowledge about Xenon

On Monday classes, Mr.Shamsul touch a little about Xenon. So,now...I would like to write something here as our knowledge. Let's check it out!!!

From my research, Xenon is also called ' STRANGER'. It name originates from the Greek word ' XENON'. Xenon is colorless, orderless, highly unreactive gaseous ( found in minute quantities in the atmosphere).

Characteristics of Xenon

Element  :Xenon (Xe)
Atomic no  : 54
Atomic mass   : 131.29 amu
Melting point : -111.9° C (-161.25°K)
Boiling point  : -108.1°C ( -165.05°K)
Neutron in Xenon  : 77
Crystal Structure   : Cubic
Color of  Xenon    : Colorless
Periodic Table: Group 18 ( Noble gases)

Did you realize?
If you realize, Xenon is commonly used as photographic strobe light ( lens camera,alarm light, arc lamp and etc). 

Xenon is occurring consist of nine stable isotopes. For Xenon-135 is produces as a result of nuclear fission and acts as a nuclear absorber in nuclear reactor.

How it produce?
Xe135 is produced directly from fission and from the BETA decay of Tellurium-135, as shown below.
Xe-135 subsequently beta decays to Cesium-135 then to Barium-135. The half-lives are shown in BLUE below the line.

Te135  ======>   I135  ======>  Xe135=======>  Cs135  =======>   Ba135 
<0.5 min               6.7 hr         9.2 hr        2 x 106 yr

How it destroy?
It has two ways to destroy:
  1. By its own radioactivity decay ( half-life 9.169 hours)
  2. By neutron absorption to Xe136
From the observation, it take time to produced and also take a long time to destroy...ermmmmm???What it means that?you think???
Opsss...I got to go. I hope this simple info will give all some knowledge...I will update more later...adiosss! :)

Chernobyl continuity...

Owh ya ya I did said before that I will post the physics behind Chernobyl incident right? Unfortunately my lecturer doesn't have time to explain so here's how... I’ve posts the event sequence including the large picture related to effects of reactivity feedbacks before right. Try pinning it or relating it to this post. Sequence is the same so should be easy game to play. This is an article from

A major contribution to the sequence of events leading to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster was the failure to anticipate the effect of "xenon poisoning" on the rate of the nuclear fission reaction in the Chernobyl nuclear reactor.

Neutron absorption is the main activity which controls the rate of nuclear fission in a reactor - the 235U absorbs thermal neutrons in order to fission, and produces other neutrons in the process to trigger other fissions in the chain reaction. To control the chain reaction, neutron absorbers in the control rods limit the rate of reaction, and the moderator (graphite in the case of Chernobyl) slows down the fast neutrons to enable the reaction to be sustained. It is a delicate balancing act requiring detailed knowledge and careful control.

One of the extraordinary sequences in the operation of a fission reaction is that of the production of iodine-135 as a fission product and its subsequent decay into xenon-135. Iodine-135 is a rather common fission product, reportedly amounting to up to 6% of the fission products. It has a rather small probability for absorbing a neutron, so it is not in itself a significant factor in the reaction rate control. But it has a half-life of about 6.7 hours and decays into xenon-135 (half-life 9.2 hours). The xenon-135 has a very large cross-section for neutron absorption, about 3 million barns under reactor conditions! This compares to 400-600 barns for the uranium fission event.

In the normal operation of a nuclear reactor, the presence of the xenon-135 is dealt with in the balancing of the reaction rate. Iodine-135 is produced, decays into xenon-135 which absorbs neutrons and is thereby "burned away" in the established balance of the operating conditions. There is an equilibrium concentration of both iodine-135 and xenon-135. But when the power level was drastically lowered at the Chernobyl reactor, the xenon-135 concentration began to increase because the parent iodine-135 was near full-power equilibrium concentration to produce it and the neutron flux necessary to "burn it away" was not present. It would eventually peak and decrease, but with a 9.2 hour half-life, that decrease would come too late!

When the persons conducting the tests on the Chernobyl reactor tried to increase the power at some point in their tests, it would not respond. They apparently did not have the understanding that the failure to increase was due to the absorption of neutrons by the xenon, so they completely removed the control rods to force the increase. The increased power then burned away the xenon and also caused voids in the cooling water, both of which rapidly increased the reaction rate, driving it out of control.

The "xenon poisoning" of the reaction rate had been known for many years, having been dealt with in the original plutonium production reactors at Hanford, Washington. In fact, it was dealt with in the original Manhattan Project where it presented itself as a dilemma - the researchers expected a given configuration to maintain a chain reaction and it failed to do so. They found that they had to increase the fuel concentration to overcome the xenon poisoning. So the phenomenon had been dealt with from the earliest days of our experience with nuclear fission, and should have been known by anyone who was in control of a nuclear reactor.

See this is a very good article. I picked it as it suits my writing style. It is easy to understand for those who prefer story telling format like me. If anyone got offended as a result of me doing some copy paste, I do apologize. The reason is that I don’t have sufficient time and understandings plus I don’t want to rob and ruin a very beautiful article. Sharing is caring…

By the way, maybe I’ll write on control rods within this week if possible. Or maybe one of my colleagues will do it.

Class Summary on 5th October 2010

This is my 3rd official duty, sure you can distinguish my writing but did it bore you till death? If yes, then at least I know there are people out there reading my essay. I did mention my posts would be light and easy in accordance to my personal understandings but apparently my posts had been lengthy. Hope it could be enough to patch up our team’s weakness. Where to start...

As mentioned before, we would like to balance a nuclear reactor core at its critical state (k =1 , ρ = 0) all the time. Unfortunately it is impossible to achieve that due to fuel depletion, fission product build-up, and temperature changes.

Disturbance 1 – Temperature changes

In the previous posts we have understood the term reactivity (ρ) and 4 most important reactivity coefficients (α) needed to be considered in order to maintain a reactor at critical state.  Recall 1) Moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity which we can control, 2) Fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity which we can’t control, 3) Pressure coefficient of reactivity which is negligible in PWR, and 4) Void coefficient of reactivity which is negligible in PWR but crucial in BWR. As fuel temperature coefficient is always positive (thus providing positive reactivity feedback), moderator temperature coefficient is controlled to provide negative reactivity feedback most of the time. Hence we have dealt with temperature changes effect.

Disturbance 2 – Fuel depletion

Fuel depletes constantly during operation whereby after a long run, we don’t have enough fuel to run the core at its critical state. How to avoid this? We have to add on fuel but unfortunately we can’t add fuel in an operational reactor. It’s a onetime go for 60 years. So we have to place in excessive fuel in the reactor before it is started (when the reactor is built).

Still can’t get the idea? You work on Monday to Thursday, 4 days a week. Suppose you need ¼ tank of fuel to drive your car to work in a day but your boss allows you to claim for the fuel only in a single receipt per week.  So the best option is to fill up the whole tank on Monday before work. By doing this, there is some inevitable collateral damage - increasing the car’s weight and increase fuel consumption. Storing fuel for long would lower its combustible energy. Fuel is volatile and hence it evaporates and leaks out.  

Back to our main topic, similarly placing excessive fuel causes some inevitable collateral damage. It creates an excessive positive reactivity and need to be compensate with negative reactivity from neutron absorbing material such as Boron (remember that positive reactivity promotes to supercritical state [k>1, ρ>0] where the neutron population is increasing). Among the most popular neutron absorption device is the control rods but relying on it alone is undesirable or impractical for several reasons that would be discussed later. So what do we do if we have too many monkeys around our neighbourhood? Poisson them to death right? Similar here, we introduce neutron poison. Well it actually absorbs neutron, not killing it but as long as we manage to get rid of the excessive neutron means problem solved.

There are 2 classification of neutron poisons, 1) Burnable poisons 2) Non-Burnable Poisons. Difference? Burnable doesn’t actually mean caught fire and burn ya. Burnable poison absorbs neutron and converted into low neutron absorption cross section material. It is like hungry living things that eats only once then die. Non-burnable in the other hand has relatively constant neutron absorption characteristics over core life, example Hafnium (Hf), used to shape power and to prevent excessive flux power peaking near moderator regions.

Fixed burnable poisons are generally used in the form of compounds of Boron or Gd that are shaped into separate lattice pins or plates, or introduced as additives to the fuel whereby it is distributed more uniformly than control rods which results in less disruptive to the core power distribution. Advantages are that it can better shape or control core flux profile and does not affect the moderator temperature coefficient. Meanwhile soluble poison or chemical shim is a soluble neutron poison that is circulated in the coolant during normal operation, e.g. PWR: boric acid also known as solbor (solubleboron). Advantages are it has a spatially uniform effect and it is possible to regulate the amount of poison in the core during operation.

Disturbance 3 – fission product build-up

Fission fragments generated at the time of fission decay to produce a variety of fission products. Fission products are of concern in reactors primarily because they become parasitic absorbers of neutrons and result in long term sources of heat. So as the fission product that absorbs neutron is also called as neutron poison. The most substantial impact on reactor design and operation is the most powerful neutron poison: Xenon-135, a fission product (yield 6.3333%) produced 95% by the decay of Iodine-135. Recall that we actually introduce neutron poison to control reactivity, so fission products of neutron poisoning such as Xenon should be useful right?

Put it this way, you have 3 friends... All 3 of them are useful and you can’t live without either one of them. The problem is one of them had a pretty annoying and irritating attitude. What you normally do is get to understand his/her attitude, monitor closely, and adapt to it.

In the neutron poison clique, Xenon-135 is the one having an annoying and irritating attitude. It absorbs neutron and became Xenon-136 which is a non poisonous stable isotope as it won’t absorb neutron. Remember burnable poison? This is one of it. But only 10% to 50% of Xenon-135 produced in a reactor during operational undergo this neutron capture while the rest undergoes beta decay. Here is where the problem begins.

The rest of Xenon-135 is removed is by beta decay where it has a half life of about 9.1 hours. Iodine -135 has a half life of about 6.5 hours. So the parent live for 6.5 hours the while the daughter survive for 9.1 hours. This time differential is one of the factors that make Xenon such a problem for nuclear reactors. Since Xenon takes longer to decay than the Iodine takes to build in the Xenon, then there is a natural tendency for Xenon levels to increase in a reactor when not at equilibrium. Equilibrium refers to when the rate that Iodine decays into Xenon-135 (build in) is equal to the rate Xenon-135 decays plus the rate of Xenon burn out. The key is to keep it equilibrium.

Doesn’t sound much troublesome right? Fortunately my colleague found a comprehensive article on the web explaining in a pretty similar to my style about Xenon and therefore I could easily paste it here to share. I felt disgrace if I rob this article and claim it as mines so I’ll leave it in its original state. Written by Jack Gamble on 6/5/2010.

When Enrico Fermi fired up the first nuclear reactor at Hanford in 1944, he was in for quite a surprise. Shortly after the reactor went critical, power stalled and the reactor shut down. A few hours later, the reactor unexpectedly started up again all by itself. This was the result of poisoning brought on by Xenon-135 (Xe).

Xenon and Reactor Power Levels

The real problem with Xenon comes into play when power levels in the reactor change. When power rapidly decreases in the reactor, the rate of Xenon burn out drops. However, the existing Iodine-135 continues to decay and produce more Xe-135. This causes Xenon levels to increase, bringing the available neutrons down and lowering power. A few hours later, as Iodine-135 production slows, the Xe-135 levels off and power rises again. So you haven’t touched anything, but power is now higher than you left it.
The converse is also true. When power is rapidly increased, the rate of Xenon-135 burn out rises sharply but the Iodine-135 decay remains unchanged. This causes a lowering of Xe-135 concentration and increase in power. Eventually, the rate of Iodine-135 production and decay along with the rate of Xe-135 production and burnout reach equilibrium. Now power is lower than you left it because Xenon has built back in.
The end result of this Xenon-135 is a major nuisance to nuclear reactor operators and core engineers. The solution is placing limits on the rate at which a plant rises and lowers power. This enables operator to keep a close eye on Xenon and make sure the reactor is running in safe manner.

Xenon-135 contributes Xenon precluded startup (Inability of a reactor to be started due to the effects of Xe-135) and Xenon dead time (The period of time where the reactor is unable to override the effects of Xe-135). I think I’ll stop here... I’m exhausted and running out of time. Please visit link below to read on Xenon precluded startup and Xenon dead time.