Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'll try to represent my team to answer these questions. I'll answer in accordance to my understandings. Hope it would be sufficient.Is it possible to revert global warming and climate change?
No one could say 100% sure though it might be possible to revert back but it is 100% sure that it won’t worsen. Truth is emission of Green House gases in area with relative humidity in excessive of 60% such as Malaysia has almost zero contribution towards global warming.

The problem is that at our current rate, earth temperature will increase 2 degrees centigrade within 15 to 20 years from now and this could increase probability of species extinction. What scientist had recently discovered is that there are massive amount of methane hydrate lying on our sea bed. If the earth temperature increases by 6 degrees centigrade, this frozen methane could melt down and released to our ozone. The effect is 5 to 10 times more compared to other greenhouse gasses if I'm not mistaken. That's why it is important for humans to drastically reduce the production of green house gasses by any means whereby the major contribution is from transportation (22%) and energy production (16%). Looking at the ever increasing energy demand, nuclear is the most efficient and significant way to achieve it without sacrificing our leisure comfort style of living.


Anonymous said...

i'm intersted to know about the comment jason francis posted.
is it possible to revert the effects of global warming. on a small scale method it can be done, but can a big scale method be done counting the cost and techonology given to us now.


Anonymous said...

Good summary, very interested in NPP cost to build it, better build NPP than 100 floor tower.

Ahmad Harmaini Azizul